Discover the Classic World Cash Register. The perfect way to develop your child’s social skills and financial understanding. Cash or card? Count the total amount then give back the right change. This cash register includes notes, bank card and coins, providing lots of fun whilst developing social and communication skills. The special function of this cash register is that when you push the big bear button, the drawer can pop out with cash and coins inside! Classic World have a straight forward philosophy, ‘Happy Playing, Happy Learning!’ Their commitment goes beyond just making great toys, they practice an environmentally safe production process and do more than their part in making a safe and clean world for children to grow up in.
The Classic World Cutting Fruits is the perfect accessory to complement the Classic World Cash Register.
Natural, sustainably sourced wood
Develops skills in mathematics and communication
Helps kids learn about finances
Suitable from 3 years
Recommended for 3 years and up.
Dimensions: 19 x 20 x 15cm